Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Busy Sculpting.

Here are four new sculptures which I have made through the past few weeks. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to post anything in a while, but this post will catch me up.

Here are two of my characters from my comic.

 And now, these two here are my very very best models I have ever done. Chuck Norris from Delta Force I, and Bane from the Dark Night Rises.


  1. Very cool. How is the comic coming and what is it about?

    1. Thanks Jessi for the comment. I'm sorry but I don't wish to release any details of my story at the moment, but I will tell you that It is based in the future in a fictional galaxy. I have the opening chapter very close to completion and might release it soon.

    2. Neat. I like comics. I've been following Alex's.

    3. I really, really like his comic, it has a good story to it. I hope Rita pulls out.

  2. This is packed with fiber. "Bane!"

    1. Bane. "How close is it to get market fresh strawberries?" Other man. " Eight Minutes." Bane. "Time to go mobile."
